Postmortem: Host Havoc - Missing Assets

The game was made for the 48 Hour Ludum Dare Discord Jam. I took part as the Artist and one of the creative minds help add a sense of purpose to the story. Also researched up Viruses and Rabies… image.png We communicated everything we wanted to do, but somethings didn’t end up in the final release but here are some assets that didn’t make it.

But will use them to test my own games. I enjoyed working in Krita and I never used it for pixel art until now. I wish the mouse cursor made it in but gives a good scope on what the Player needs to make it fun over and over.

Lost Levels Planned levels and menus

  • Intro getting the Gene-Gun and a little words on the story. -> Level 1, having the Nerve change colors when hit. -> Level 2 Stomach which got cut due to time restraints. -> Level 3 Boss - Turned out better than we all thought lol Love the boss attack.

Thank you all who stumbled here and enjoyed the game.


37 days ago

Get Host Havoc: An Inside Job

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