Host Havoc: An Inside Job
Host Havoc: An Inside Job
You're the virus, your job is to infect the host, traveling through the mouth and ultimately the brain. Take out the brain and your have successfully created a zombie host that will forever decay throughout time.
Your armed with the (based off real world) Gene-Gun taking out the bodies... body guards. Making a future for all the Decaying brains. B-b-rai-i-n-zz, Brains!
Survive the waves and take out the nerve, destroy the brain.
⚠ Important note:
(Download Host Havoc 2.0 has a basic mouse, the web version does NOT have a visible mouse)
The cursor never made it into the game 😭:
Gene-Gun - A powerful particle weapon capable of rewriting DNA in organic matter.
Infectious Darts - Viral Darts, Infectious projectile.
G-Particle - Gold particle encoded with DNA ready to rewrite the data.
(Didn't make it into game)
Check out the dev-log 📓 for more on that.
Fire = Auto-Fire is always On
(No need to click just play)
Movement = WASD & Arrows

Objectives / Enemies
Nerve - Damage to gain access to the get closer to the brain. The more damage it takes the more foes will spawn to get you.
Antibodies - The bodies first defence on the attack.
Pinky - A helper of the red blood cells and Greeny.
Greeny - To assist the antibodies in keeping the host safe.
Alien Object - Unknown microbe, deadly alur.
The Boss (Final)
Mastermind - The final boss, the head of the operation, big cheese, take it out before successfully turning the host into a zombie.
Programming/Game Design: B.Bee
Music/SFX: Wt64
Artist/Game Design: Jolly Joe
Development log
- Postmortem: Host Havoc - Missing AssetsAug 12, 2024
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